# Getting started
# Requirements for installing LocalGov Drupal locally for testing and development
There are numerous ways of installing and running Drupal locally. No matter the local installation approach you adopt, Composer is required.
# Composer Installation
Drupal's Core, modules and themes, are all "packages" and Composer manages these dependencies in a structured and organised manner. To put a Drupal website together, all assets have to be sourced from a dedicated URL and compiled to create a fully functional build. To do that, Composer i.e. Drupal's dependency manager of choice, has to be present on your local system.
There are two ways to install Composer, locally and globally. The latter is usually preferred as, with a single executable installed once, it allows Composer to manage the dependencies of multiple projects present on your machine. To install Composer, follow the detailed instructions on the official Composer documentation page (opens new window).
# Working with Lando/DDEV Containerized Servers
Many of us use a containerization technology locally for testing and development, such as Lando or DDEV. Both of these tools simplify the process of setting up and managing development environments for web projects. To use LGD locally with either Lando or DDEV, you'll need to have Docker Desktop installed first.
# Docker Desktop Installation
Docker Desktop is a one-click-install application for your Mac, Linux, or Windows environment that lets you build, share and run containerized applications and microservices. It provides a straightforward GUI (Graphical User Interface) that lets you manage your containers, applications, and images directly from your machine.
To install Docker Desktop, follow the steps outlined on the official Docker documentation page (opens new window).
With Docker Desktop (and Composer) in place, you can now move on to:
# Running Local Servers Natively
It's also possible to set up a local server in a more manual way, as some people prefer running the web servers natively on their host machine. In that case, you will need to locally install the appropriate versions of:
- Database server
- Web server
You can have a more thorough look on our dedicated page for the Drupal requirements.
# Contributing
See Contributing for current contribution guidelines.
# Issue tracking
In the early development stages, most issues will be tracked in this repository https://github.com/localgovdrupal/localgov/issues (opens new window).
Development issues relating to specific projects or module should be tracked in the project repository. In the future we might set up a separate repository for centralised issue tracking of bug reports for end users.